Thursday 25 September 2008

Excited Greetings

Cassie is also always very excited to greet people, but non more so than my sister. I think it stems from the fact that she was the one who comforted her on the journey from her Mum to her new home, putting up with the sick and poo that ended up all over the back of the car during the 3 hr journey! I have to make sure that my sister is sat down before I let Cassie "at her", as otherwise she would be knocked over. Somehow Cassie always manages to leave her mark on my sister's clothes - generally a muddy footprint in the middle of her top! She gets forgiven because of the amount of kisses and cuddles that follow.
Painting party sounds like a good idea, Ali - count me in! Even if it's too much for my back, I'm sure I can manage refreshments for the workers.