Thursday 25 September 2008

photos of afternoon walk

Maggie flushed one of the young pheasants they have just released ready for the shooting season today. Got very excited about it, and went hunting for more. Completey ignored me when I called her. Oh dear this is what I have to come for the next few months. The third picture down is just after she flushed it and she is looking to see where it went. It quite funny really, Nellie and Tilly look very sedate on a walk compared to Maggie who is so busy rushing back and forth.

Sophie, sounds like you had quite an eventful day! Glad you found it funny, not so funny at the time though I'm sure. Mind you, you're young and probably recover quickly. Maggie has almost dragged me over sometimes in a rush to go and greet someone, if I'm not prepared, they can be very strong when they want to be.
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