Tuesday 16 September 2008

First training class

Started Maggie's training class this morning near Banbury. There were five of us in the group, a labradoodle, flat coat, westie, cavy and Maggie. The chap (Tony Orchard) that runs it came out and said 'oh no - not a Munsterlander!' I questioned this reaction and asked if he knew the breed and he answered that he only knew that their owners have a sense of humour )lol. Maggie was very good mostly after she stopped wanting to roll around in the grass. We had to do some, sit & stays, down & stays and stand & stays. Maggie did the stand and the sit fairly well but with the down she kept crawling on her belly towards me! When I ask her to lie down I bend over and point to the floor repeated saying down. He said I should only say it once and why did I feel it necessary to bend over at which I told him because she won't do it any other way. He told me to do it again, only saying it once and not bending down and just wait until she lay down. She stood and looked at me for what seemed an age but eventually lay down at which I praised her. By the end of the lesson she was going down first time - I was amazed. We also did some heal work on and off the lead - she was better off. Got lots of homework - really enjoyed it though. Tony told me to do more lead work when I'm out with her as she isn't getting much at the moment - not looking forward to that )lol