Thursday 18 September 2008

Help and advice please, Tarka is quite ill

Tarka who is now 13 1/2 is a very poorly girl. It started at 11pm Tuesday night she was sick all night the last time was at 6:50 am. Straight to the vets at 8am and she was given an anti-sickness jab. She picked up during the day and actually ate some chicken and rice last night which stayed down.
Today however she is a lot worse, in a lot of pain, skin very taut on her body, palish gums, coat dull and stary. NOW she won't eat so back to vets and she has had a painkiller jab and anti-biotic jab, neither have made her more comfortable yet. The vet thinks it may be pancreatitis, something I have never had with any dog before. I have to syringe fluids down her, lectatde and water, and she may yet end up in the vets on a drip.

Has anyone on this blog or anyone who just reads the blog ever had this with a dog???? If so any hints, tips on how to help her through this? She is already quite weak and stumbly when she walks so it it so important i get her on the right track asap.

My e mail is all suggestions and advice gratefully received - Thanks.