Saturday 13 September 2008

Bang to the Head

I did a similar thing Karen when I moved into my house last year (Ali, be warned!), trying to get a chest of drawers up the stairs. I was hanging on to a banister whilst trying to negociate the lump of furniture round the corner, when the banister came off and smacked me across the top of the head. There was blood everywhere, I came over all faint and feeling sick, managed to call my sister (yet again she came to the rescue), who took me off to hospital where they put 7 staples in my head. Whilst I was waiting for my sister to arrive Cassie was trying to clean up my blood, which by then was all over my face, neck, the floor etc. The nurse at the hospital told me that there is always a lot of blood from head injuries so it looks worse than it is. Glad your "hole" didn't need any staples or stitches!
The sun is out in Bristol at the moment, so I'll be out in a minute with the 4 dogs, I'm dog sitting for my sister again. She's gone to Italy, on my holiday which I couldn't take because it was too soon after my back operation - NOT FAIR!
Have a great weekend everyone, hope you get the house sorted soon Ali.