Thursday 16 October 2008

Been busy on hear

Whistles, funny I would never consider not using one even if the dog was just pet, I use a buffalo horn whistle which is quite small and easy to hold in you mouth for a long time I find after a little while a plastic one makes my jaw ache, another thing is with a horn whistle is most are slightly different so when picking up / beating with others who might have the same plastic whistle the dog can still tell who whistling, and think 'stop whistle' getting your dog to stop is the most important command as dog could be one side of the road and you the other so if he/she was coming to you and there was a car stopping him/her would be quite useful.
GSD's I've always loved them (well only the strait backed ones) Dad has had 2 (though I didn't know the first and was too young too remember the second) the first he rescued from a racing yard where he was used as an ash tray and was not getting fed very often and he would not leave Dad if he left him in the hostel he would jump though a window after him weather it was open or not and he got the second when, well long story, any way there's a lovely one at dog training (well there was but haven't been for ages)