Wednesday 15 October 2008


Karen, I use an Acme gun dog whistle, 210, they come in three different pitches, don't think it matters which one you get as long as you take note of the number and if you lose it you can get the same one again. My mother has a 211 and she doesn't respond to that so it does make a difference. You can get them in some pet shops or the gun dog club do them for about £5 (with landyard) -

Think you might even get them from the Munsterland club site too.

I use three short pips for recall, 1 long blast for stop and two short pips to get her attention or change direction. It's amazing how quickly they catch on to the different sounds and it's a lot more effective than your voice I think. One being I think if they have run off and you are feeling particularly cross when you call Domino back she may sense you are not very happy by the sound of your voice and not want to come. Maggie definately is more willing to come back if I sound happy )lol - with a whistle they don't know what mood your in )lol

Start off with the recall. Call her back to you like you normally do and then add the whistle too for a while so she associates the three short pips with come back, eventually you won't have to call her just pip the whistle.

I found the stop and sit a lot harder. I started off with asking her to sit when she was next to me. I gave my command for sit and then blew the whistle. After a while I just used the whistle. When she knew the long blast meant sit I started doing it a bit further away. If she starts coming to you instead of sitting where she is, run towards her at the same time so she knows you don't want her to come to you but you are going to come to her. If you use a hand signal too use that at the same time. Once she has sat tell her to stay walk over to her and praise her. She will catch on quickly cos these munsters are bright!

With the change direction which I don't use as often, if I am walking in one direction and I want to got the other way, I just turn round and pip twice on the whiste so she knows it means I'm going another way. Then you can start getting her attention and putting your hand out in the direction you want her to go, which Maggie will often ignore cos she thinks I'm useless at hunting )lol!

Hope that make sense. There are some great gun dog training books out there that will teach you the basics of whistle training.