Wednesday 29 October 2008

Sickness and soreness

Hi all back on line, Sorry to hear about Louie and Kaia, sounds like a nasty tummy bug, he's doing the right thing by starving himself and giving his tummy a rest, has he got a temperature?

Kaia, I hope she is OK good luck with her.

Tarka is on the mend again, much more comfortable, trying very hard to keep her warm and cosy, it's so cold here this morning -3 at 7am when I walked the dogs, James stayed home with Tarka and then we swapped as he wanted to take his dogs out so I Tarka sat. Haven't left her for over a week now as she gets upset if I'm not there with her which is totally out of character but this morning she lay in front of the open fire and slept which is good.

Pictures to follow.