Thursday 23 October 2008

Happy 1st birthday to Diva and Jiggy's pups. I hope Ceilidh enjoys her special birthday dinner.

Zoe, it's a week since I last measured Brodie and I think he was 25 1/4 inch and 29.6kg. I'm in France right now but Jim and Brodie are together in Scotland and Jim reckons he's been growing this week, so it sounds like the boys are a similar height.

Elspeth, let me know if you want to get together for a walk sometime soon. I'm back from France in a week and a bit. I think Brodie's probably bigger than Ceilidh now but looking at the video of her bouncing around in the garden I think she's still more agile than him. You were asking about passports; a summary of the process is; microship; rabies vaccine; 2 weeks later rabies test (a reasonable % fail (varies depending which vet I spoke to) and you can either wait and get the test again or get another vaccine); you can then take dog out of country but to return into UK you need to wait 6 months (hence the reason I'm in France and Jim and Brodie in Scotland). As long as you keep the rabies vaccine up to date the passport remains valid - the frequency of the vaccine can vary per country, more info available from defra.