Friday 31 October 2008

Joanne etc's

Hi Joanne, so sorry to hear you were going to leave and DELIGHTED to hear you are going to stay. I so hope that all goes well for your daughter and she has a wonderful wedding and future. I sympathise with you having to be on your own so much. I know how it feels as all my family and Frank's are away in England and we don't see them very often. our dogs are our life and I don't know what we would do without them. I think Duke and Duchess are gorgeous, I fell in love with them ages ago when I first saw them on the Blitzan site.I have not posted much lately but avidly read what everyone else is doing. I guess I felt that people would not be very interested in non-munster bits. This situation will change soon, I am going to see the Raycris litter tomorrow and I have been offered the pick dog...I am so excited. They are four weeks old so I am hoping to take loads of this space!!!!
This is really not my favourite time of year..all my collies are terrified of fireworks and so out come the dap diffusers, collars, anxiety wraps and a multitude of homeopathic remedies. We usually end up sitting up a mountain somewhere on bonfire night as the country park next to us has a huge display.
Hope that Ali and Tarka are getting better. Ali I just love those piccies of Logie in the snow etc.
Well the prospect of a new pup has inspired us to a massive sort out session outside. All my dogs now live indoors and my old kennel has been completely overrun and destroyed by the neighbours ivy so we have been dismantling it and trying to do something about the ivy which is everywhere and has already killed one of my trees. I think we are fighting a losing battle but will have to keep trying. I have even been in her garden trying to dig some of it up and spray it with root killer. If anybody has any ideas on ivy destruction, I would welcome all advice!!!
Guess that is it for now. Take care everybody.
Love and hugggzzz Lindsey