Sunday, 1 March 2009

Eternal babies 5 weeks old

Crashed Button Rudolph /Bailey pouncing
Mr Darcy and his 14 year old Great Granny Tarka
A big dollop of Bailey
A worn out Button Sleepy Willow
Dottie/Mazy tirned her back on me!! Camera shy? you will have to change that Karen!

Up close and personal for Tyson/Ludo

Stripes/Willow Sparko

Dynamite/Mr Darcy

James teaching Tetra to Sit, the clicker is out already!!!!!


Big Baby Button

Cheeky Tetra
Even cheekier Tetra, James is clicker training I told you!!!!!

A chatty Tyson/Ludo

Jumble worn out, especially for Mathew

Pretty Daisy/Gerty

Smudge/Merlin sitting pretty

Mr Darcy

The living teddy bear! actually it's Tinker the cat

Arnie snuggled up to Teddy