Monday 24 November 2008


Sharon, I can't believe how big Brodie has got...he is lovely...smashing photos. Congratulations on his bronze award by the way. Very well done to you Jim and Brodie....I know for sure it was a 3-way effort.
Well, Ghillie has arrived. 4 very very p***** off Border Collies in residence. Jig sticks his nose in the air and just pretends he is a bad figment of his imagination, Judo stalks him constantly....growling non-stop with tail wagging like mad at the other end. Poor Flyn appears to have been ear-marked as mother substitute with Ghillie constantly looking for the milk bar, then trying to mount him!!!! - at 7 weeks!!!!! and finally curling up and going to sleep beside him. Flyn looks at us so long sufferingly but even when I call him up on the settee he usually gets back down and curls up looking brow beaten....a seriously masochistic collie. Jess has seen it all before and at 12 years old doesn't seem to give a toss. Ghillie screamed holy s*** all night the first night so Sunday morning saw me sheepishly knocking on the neighbours door with a large bouquet of flowers and an apology only to be told they never heard a thing!!! Last night there wasn't a sound, I think he was totally exhausted after a very full day. I seem to be having more trouble with the housetraining than I did with the collies. He always goes out for a pooh but doesn't seem to get the idea that he needs to go out to wee and generally just goes when he gets the urge...with no warning or signals. Think its probably my fault...getting older and not as quick off the mark as I used to be...... Guess we'll get there in the end. Got him checked over by my vet this morning who thought he was absolutely gorgeous...which he is. Will try to get some piccies on later.
