Wednesday 19 November 2008

Hi I am lucky too living just out side a little village and am near exmoor but sounds like Georgia still has a good time with all those walks and yes having more than one dogs is great they love to play.
Great pics Karen.
Training is still going well with Ilka shes getting good at dummie retrieves, waits for them to be thrown then waits for you to say 'fetch it on' then off she goes and brings it back, she had not been quite bringing it to hand and dropping it but I am working on it and she is better and now is either dropping it right at your feet or giving it to hand and yesterday we got her carrying a pheasant around which she has not done before, she carries it quite nicely but as it's a whole lot more interesting than a dummie she is a little bit wanting to keep for her self so not retrieving it like a dummie yet but it was her first time carrying it so all went well really.
Good luck with the training Karen and Domino, I'm hoping the taking Ilka to a shoot with dogs and men that she might be 'funny about' will be good for her and aparently they are getting short of good dogs on the shoot so I think Ilka will be useful when shes up to it.