Wednesday 26 November 2008

What award?

Seems to be some confusion - Maggie has NOT done her Bronze yet. I am at training classes at the moment and the trainer there thought that she was past the bronze standard needed to take the test and so has moved me up to the next class who are all working for their silver - I will hopefully be able to take our bronze and silver at the end. Fingers crossed - I'd feel a right idiot if she failed it now!!!! (Don't worry - if I get it I will plaster it up on here in big writing as I will be so proud!!!!!)

Lovely photos of Ceilidh, Elspeth - nice to hear from you again, I hope you are all well.

Ghillie is gorgeous, hope the 'potty' training is going well. It is much easier in the summer months. Had Maggie in March and so don't remember is being too much of a problem although you do have to be watching them a lot!

Tallulah is a pretty girl, Loudon.

As for Christmas - I have got one present so far! Nightmare. We too are having a house full at Christmas Judith. I have my husband Sister and kids coming over. I am not a Christmas person I'm afraid, bit of a Scrooge. I don't mind the day itself, it's just the huge build up that goes before it.