Tuesday 25 November 2008


As promised Ghillie pics with and without 'pals'.

Thanks for the peeing advice girls. Had an email last night saying that a couple of the pups had urinary infections so took a sample to vets this morning...it was the colour of dirty washing up water!! However they couldn't find anything abnormal even on microscopic examination, just dead cells and debris which they reckon accounted for the colour. They have however put him on antibiotics and I have to take another sample in a weeks time. Have you tried getting a sample from a squirmingly ecstatic pup at the first early morning greeting!!!!!! I have to admit to being a bit unsettled about giving antibiotics to such a young pup; I suppose better safe than sorry....what do you all think??

We haven't had a sound out of him at night since the first night, he is so good.

This morning Judo was playing tug of war with him so I guess they are starting to accept him now.