Monday 17 November 2008

Hello from Georgia

A big hello to Georgia's mum and dad and sisters and relatives and everyone who comes on here, I haven't been on for so long what with one thing and another.

Took Georgia on holiday to Wales in the Oct half term she loved it but the day we decided to go up Mount Snowdon didn't turn out so good. The weather was grey and cold and forecast showers and sunny intervals. I was so excited and we took the miners trail, got 2 miles into the walk and it started snowing and got thicker and faster, visability all of a sudden was bad and we were only a mile from the summit. People were turning back and I looked at Georgia's back and it was covered in white snow and ice. Sadly we decided enough was enough it was so slippery and miserable on the way down but once we got to the car we knew we'd made the right choice.
Georgia spent the rest of the day asleep in her bed in front of the heater in the caravan thawing out.
Never mind I will have to get her a coat, She is coming to Yorkshire for New Year and Scotland in May.
Had to take her to the Vets today, she hasn't been since she was a puppy when the Jack Russell bit her.She has a skin allergy which is what I thought but I don't know if it is fleas although she is reguarly treated or her orange blanket which I have thrown away or something in the river where she swims. She is on medication now so I'm sure she will be better soon. The Vet had her written down as a spaniel cross, I know she was only a puppy at the time but come on, and then the other vet asked if she was SOME SORT OF SETTER. I've had people say Pointer, Setter, Spaniel,collie and a child called her a Dalmation once but Vets should know better,

She is doing fantastic at training apart from when she stops working and has to wait for the others to take their turn at working. She doesn't like it and wants all the attention on her, ME ME ME again , wont shut up and we have to keep her attention on little sit down games until it's her turn and then first up eager to work again and does everything you want. She is the only one that shows off like this in the group and the dog trainer says there is nothing that can be done as she just wants to work. She is so good best dog we've ever had wants to please and so cuddly, sounds like you are going to be busy soon Ali on the Maternity Unit it's very exciting.
I'll try to send some photos soon Arlene.