Thursday 20 November 2008

Happy Birthday Mum from Brodie.

I’ve not had a chance to post for a while but I do try to have a quick read every day to see how everyone’s doing.

Ali, I’m pleased to hear the girls are in season, sounds like having both litters at the same time will be a lot of hard work but I’m sure you’ll enjoy it. I hope your feeling well again.

Judith, Rosie, It was nice to see Jiggy, Troy and Ringo together in the picture. Hopefully at some event next year Brodie will have a chance to meet his family again. A week or so ago Brodie was 30kg and 26inch high so fairly similar to what Ringo is.

Lyndsey, your little boy looked lovely, and I liked the names you’d both chosen. I’m thinking it’s this weekend you collect him so you must be getting excited. And glad to hear you finally convinced Frank to have 2 munsters. You will cope no problem with 2 young dogs, you both have so much experience. If you’ve ever any free time I could do with your advice to help with Brodie!

Maggie’s training sounds like it is coming along really well. I was very impressed that she returned to whistle after spotting the pheasants. I bet it made it so much more satisfying that the farmer was there to see it. What age is she again? I’m thinking she’s under 2 years and your first dog but maybe I’m getting confused with someone else?

Sophie it sounds like your making good progress with your retrieves. In the last month Brodie has come on great with his. We’ve just started introducing 2 dummies and he’s finding that more difficult so we’re working on that with him right now.

Brodie and Jim passed their Bronze last night :) I don’t know who got the raw deal but I suspect it was me. I took him out for a 3 hour play and train session to try and tire him about before the test as Brodie gets so excited at training; and Jim took him for the test. Luckily the examiner got caught in a traffic jam and was 40 minutes late so it gave Brodie plenty of time to calm down. I was impressed/shocked he did so well and passed each part first time.

Sorry I’ve no pictures. My daughter is back at uni with her good camera and we’re not having much luck taking anything with the one we have but we’ll try again at the weekend.

Hope everyone has a good weekend.