Monday 24 November 2008

Nice to hear from you Elspeth, hope you and Ceilidh are OK.

Sophie, Molland looks a little minx, Domino is actually scared of our 12 year old cat and would probably let her have a bone if she wanted it.

It's been so cold here today and the fire won't light at the moment, just trying again, the wind must be blowing the wrong way. Off to our social group tomorrow with Domino's new friends, I hope she doesn't have a go at a Collie tomorrow like she usually does. We might not be going though, my son went to bed at 5pm tonight not feeling well, very unusual.

Ghillie sounds fun, I can't remember how we taught Domino to wee outside, I know it was freezing (January) and we spent a lot of time popping outside with her until she got the message. I think we had some newspaper by the back door for any accidents. I do remember she cried all night when we brought her home though. Would love to see some photos.