Monday, 3 November 2008

Remembering my Solo

Pics of Solo, simply because Duke reminds me so much of him.

What a busy blog, gorgeous pictures thanks everone, Joanne, I have to say Duke really does remind me of Solo, bless him. Ceilidh looks like she was loving the snow, you certainly had a lot more than us.
Good news Kaia can still enjoy her agility it is such a shame when they have to be restricted at least with Tarka she doesn't want to do anything except for the odd trip out in the car.

Sophie's like Karen said how awful for that woman to leave all the blood and mess everywhere, not good. Don't know if I have already mentioned this and Elspeth you moan about your memory at 24, I am old enough to be your Mum and I am blonde so there is no hope for me!!!!

Well last Friday I had the vet coming out to the farm and wanted him to check Tarka over for me, as I was getting dressed I noticed a cow calving in the field outside, I went and showered and dried my hair only to look out at her again and see nothing had changed, deciding she may be having difficulties I went out to check on her. The calves head was bent back and it was stuck so I managed to push it back in and free the head and with a few strong pushes and pulls a lovely calf was born. Time was getting on so I rushed back in and washed then popped Tarka in the car, as I looked over at the calf Mum decided to wash him, he was stood up and rather wobbly as they are, she gave him one hefty lick which sent him rolling down the field where he ended up in the bog where Maddie wallows, poor thing had his nose under the water so I rushed back out, managed to get his head up, but was stuck, the Mud and water is due to a mains water leak which the water company are doing nothing about and I was stuck in mud up to my thighs. The calf was also firmly stuck and Mum was getting rather upset. I finally managed to grab it's front leg and shimmy my way on my large backside and gradually pulled me and calf out. By the time I had done this I was late, soaking wet and muddier than Maddie, the vet was due to leave so I sat on a bin bag and drove to the farm for Tarka's check up. What did my husband say when he saw me.......... You're late!!!!!! Not oh are you Ok you look rather wet and Muddy, No such concern, mmmmm let's just say he owes me one big time! Thanks god it wasn't a Buffalo calf as apart from being bigger and heavier the Mother would of trampled me and there was no way I could of escaped, I was really stuck in the mud!! I will get a picture of him tomorrow. Now with all those images in your mind, Judith you can stop laughing now! I'm off to feed the gang.