Wednesday 29 July 2009

I do remember Ali, the difference was unbelieveable by the next time I saw Summer! Almost like a different dog completely. Sorry to hear she is having such a bad phantom. Poor soul. Paddy will not leave Ceilidh alone but she is not in season so I am sure it is going to happen very soon, he is taking it too far and has tried getting a little too close and frisky for my liking. Seperation at nights and when we are out just incase she comes in. She is off her food aswell which has happend on her other 2 so trying everything possible to keep her munching, little and often seems to be the key today.
Poor Kaia and Maggie too. The only thing that really scares Ceilidh is my neighbours sity on lawn mower, she goes incredibly quiet, sticks by your side and refuses to go outside or near the windows if they are open. I have no idea why as she has never been near it to have had a fright and no other noises like that bother her... Also big blck thunder and lightening clouds when she is outside. I had them at the beach the other day playing happily etc until it came in really quickly, stuck to my leg, literally touching it the whole way back to the car.