Tuesday 28 July 2009

That's OK Ali - we laughed afterwards - My daughter laughed because Elsa actually had a swarm of flys round her on the way home!

Lovely photos - especially of Tarka in the trough!

Sarah - Maggie doesn't like loud noises either. Funny enough she is fine with gun fire, thunder or fireworks but not with the hoover, pots and pans, or raised voices although she doesn't shake with fear - just leaves the room in a hurry. She has though always enjoyed a cuddle and is relaxed in the morning until I get her lead or put my boots on, then all hell brakes lose!

So our Ichbin girlies are not so different Sarah - I think Kaia will get better, they are still young. I still see Maggie as quite a puppy still sometimes. My Blitzan pup on the other hand still smells - think I need to get the ketchup out)lol