Tuesday 21 July 2009


Pet names for my Munsters before i started to bred them myself. I had a Carla, wanted to call her Calley but Tony's friends had had a baby girl afew days before we went to collect our pup and they called her Calley. Tony didn't think it would be very good to name the pup the same, so he wanted Carla and got it.
Next came Rael (rail) not has in BR but from an album by Genesis A lamb lays down on Broadway. Rael is a creature thing that they sing about and i just liked it.
Then the love of my life taken away from me at far too young an age, Sarek. This is from Star Trek (yes i am abit of a trekkie ) it is the name of Spock's father. And again a name that was just so right. Rolled of the tongue and no one else had one by that name, just like Rael.
Then we had Jiggy, now he was to be called Worf (star trek again ) but was far to handsome. So I said OK we will call him Ryker (Star trek yet again) but the family didn't like it. So while the family tried to agree on a name (he was here by now) we carried on calling him jigsaw, which is what Christine O had been calling him in the litter. Well it stuck and just got shortened !!!
Then came Majik, again she was majik in the litter,andd Mrs O said i could have her but not change the name. So we now had Rael, Sarek, Jiggy and Majik in the house. Will do the rest tomorrow.