Monday 27 July 2009

Two dogs

One great thing you get with two munsters that you don't get with one is watching the interaction between them and seeing them run together, two dogs with the same energy is wonderful. I always knew I wanted two, just wanted a gap between them because of training. I think it's easier having two. If Maggie is bored she pesters Elsa not me)lol I also love watching them together - out on walks and at home. One thing I was worried about having another was losing the bond with Maggie or not getting the same bond with Elsa but that hasn't changed and both dogs fight for my attention when I play with them. Elsa has learnt from Maggie too, which has made it easier training Elsa than it was Maggie. Now if I blow the whistle I have to take cover cos it's often a competition who gets to me first!